Adding Viral Marketing Elements...

A viral email, or viral effort, means it is something that resonates so effectively with readers that they share it with many others quickly, something like the way a virus spreads. Effective viral emails are non-sales –related as people would love to forward funny emails rather than emails with sales or marketing included. if used correctly and offered at appropriate times in the relationship, viral elements will drive concrete responses, and therefore they deserve to be recognized as one of the key influencers of your email programs.

Tips for developing effective viral marketing...

Take off your corporate-marketing-speak hat: Speak in customer language. Refrain from the usual practice of carefully crafted copy that will immediately be identified as such and ignored. Think of how you would talk to a friend or family member versus an "end user" to whom you are marketing. Even more important than speaking directly is speaking honestly. Be up-front, or you'll create mistrust and potentially damage your brand.

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